This comparison website,, is operated by DIBmat GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Emma Sleep GmbH, whose primary vision is to improve and maintain global sleep standards through research and technology. Emma Sleep GmbH is the parent company of Emma Sleep Philippines Inc, which owns the Emma products featured on this website.
The information on comes from various websites and, to the best of our knowledge, is correct at the time the reviews were created. However, product or advertising details may change without our knowledge, and we do not compare or include all brands on the market in every category.
Please note that the ratings, reviews, and opinions posted on the website do not reflect the future versions and reputation of these products and we hereby disclaim all express representations and warranties. Although our sleep experts make every effort to obtain accurate information from reliable sources, is not responsible for any errors, omissions or results obtained using the content of this site. tries to keep all information and offers up to date and as accurate as possible, so that you can make a well-considered and sensible decision. However, encourages you to seek multiple information sources and read the full terms and conditions of each offer carefully to ensure you understand them and are appropriate for your needs. Please consult the relevant service provider for full offers and information.
This comparison site, does not rank or test all mattresses on the market. Some mattresses are not available on the site. Choosing a new mattress is not trivial. But today, it's easy to get lost among all the good mattress brands available on the market. Therefore, we have created our Top 5 of the best mattresses, to help you in your choice of a quality mattress according to your needs.
Each offering of the service or product is evaluated and compared. The sleep researchers look at the common or important product offerings of each brand category (i.e. free delivery, warranty, etc.).
Product features are evaluated and compared. The researchers look at the common or important product aspects and elements per category, as well as the unique features that a brand, product, or service offers.
Customer experience and perspective are important and are considered when rating products and services. gets information on user experience from consumer opinion sites and the brand’s own on-site reviews.
Prestigious awards and certificates received are an indicator of business quality. This provides a concrete seal of approval that evidences the quality of the products or the services you offer.
Our sleep experts conduct market research, compile data and evaluate the data collected from public information. With the public information gathered, our sleep experts highlight and present brands that they believe offer high quality products and services. Where available, with some sources considered more than others, our rankings consider the following:
- Online search traffic from popular manufacturers
- Manufacturer websites, to compare offers, products and prices
- Consumer opinions and reviews from a variety of sources, such as third-party review websites, manufacturer websites, online marketplaces and others
However, encourages you to find multiple sources of information and, especially, to carefully review the full terms and conditions of each offer to make sure you understand them and that they are appropriate for your needs. Consult with the relevant service provider for complete information and offers.
Contact Address
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78
60329 Frankfurt am Main
CEO & Managing Director
Manuel Müller, CEO
Dr. Dennis Schmoltzi, CEO
Registered Company Name: DIBMat GmbH
Registration Number: HRB 112848
This website is operated by DIBMaT GmbH, a fully-owned subsidiary of Emma Sleep GmbH, a leading sleep-tech company. DIBMaT operates a state-of-the-art testing facility for mattresses in Frankfurt, Germany.
Contact Address
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78
60329 Frankfurt am Main
CEO & Managing Director
Manuel Müller, CEO
Dr. Dennis Schmoltzi, CEO
Registered Company Name: DIBMat GmbH
Registration Number: HRB 112848
This website is operated by DIBMaT GmbH, a fully-owned subsidiary of Emma Sleep GmbH, a leading sleep-tech company. DIBMaT operates a state-of-the-art testing facility for mattresses in Frankfurt, Germany.